Info-Alert is a powerful tool that monitors your business data and provides automated alerts when various business conditions are met. Info-Alert serves as a "virtual employee" that attaches to your Ascente TRAVERSE data and reviews it at scheduled intervals, reporting the information to the appropriate people.
With Info-Alert, you define a specific set of parameters. When conditions occur that meet those parameters, an alert is sent — via email or report — to those individuals assigned to receive the notification (employees, customers, vendors, etc.). There are many predefined alerts, including those in categories such as Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, Inventory and Purchasing. For each pre-defined alert, you can establish a set of criteria; for example, "Only review customers assigned to a specific sales rep."
Info-Alert is quick and easy to install. Once it is set up, Info-Alert will run unattended, reviewing your data for information you have requested. Most other Microsoft or ODBC-compliant databases in your office can easily be connected and mapped to Info-Alert to allow you to generate alerts based on your company specific data. Info-Alert can also be configured to send dunning letters to your customers, send requests to vendors for the status of late shipments, automatically update credit hold flags in your customer record and much more.
Blank PO at X%
Service Order with profitY
Accounts Receivable
Customers who have open AR invoices over X days
Customers due credit hold based on open invoices
Customers due credit hold if over credit limit
Sales Order
Customers who have not purchased in X days
Check for open sales orders older than X days
Check for open quotes older than X days
Orders that took > X days to ship this month
Average days to ship orders by customer this month
Alert if daily invoiced sales drop below X
If total credits exceed a given amount this month
Open orders with gross profit margin less than X %
If invoiced sales for a rep exceeds X this month
Orders with order date between X and Y days old
If the value of pending sales orders drops below X
Customer sales last month + or – X % from prior month
IN items below min. order quantity
IN items with available quantity less than X
IN items below order point
Item quantity sold last month + or – X % from prior month
Automatic sales order release recommendations
Employees who are X days past their hire date
Alert X days prior to an employee’s birthday
Alert X days prior to an employee’s next review date