FEBRUARY 27, 2015
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the standard for many construction contractors. Recent discussion has shown the fact that some contractors are not thrilled with this. Some powerful groups want viable alternatives. It would allow them to pursue construction in their own way and on their own schedule.
Up to 43 Percent Desire Change
After multiple surveys of leadership at construction companies a few facts stood out. While they still believe in green building around 43 percent want an alternative to LEED. At base there is no reason why the industry cannot have multiple, popular certification system. It all comes down to what clients want and what is best for the industry.
Price Motivation
One major part of this is that clients want cost-effective measures. While LEED insures a high standard of quality it can raise the price for building owners. Many would argue that in the long run they save money but not all buyers see it that way.
Staying Green
While some companies would like to move away from this system they are still turning to earth-centered building protocols. Purchases and adherence to systems like Green Globes has sparked in recent years among builders.
First to the Competition
LEED is still highly prevalent. It was the first ecologically-centered system on the market. As such it will remain viable even if some market share is lost. Construction contractors who use the system should not be worried about losing it. At the same time they should look into the alternatives offered by other groups as well. More knowledge is never a bad thing.