You need to make sound cash management decisions about which bills to pay and when to pay them. You need to know who gives the best discounts and which vendors you buy from most often. TRAVERSE helps you track your obligations to suppliers and control your cash flow. It’s also your key to paying bills, printing checks, and monitoring the distribution of your expenses.
It’s easy to keep your accounts up to date and take advantage of available cash discounts with user-defined terms, aging periods, and cutoff dates. Assess your financial position by producing timely reports. You’ll save time and money with the ability to review outstanding payments by vendor and select which payments to hold or release. With TRAVERSE accounting software for service contractors, you can pay all invoices, or prepay or split invoices for payment.
This service contractor software will improve your efficiency with quick entry and defaults on headers. They allow you to set up fields and header screens so that you can skip over fields and default the values as you choose. You can view historical data for an unlimited number of years in detail or summary, and you can view and select payables to be released for payment.
Data entry in Accounts Payable can be done with the mouse and/or keyboard; tab stops can be individualized for quick entry. You can view historical data for an unlimited number of years in detail or summary, and you can view and select payables to be released for payment.
Active/inactive vendors.
Time-saving batch processing capability.
Invoice entry in base or foreign currency; switch at will.
Printing of checks and reports in any installed language and currency.
Recurring entries setup.
Aged Trial Balance Inquiry with drill down to source invoice.
Automatic reversal of checks voided in history.
Vendor setup including terms, pay-to name and address, 1099 indicator, distribution codes, and comments.
1099-MISC reporting with magnetic media.
Alternate vendor information.
Ability to select payables for check processing.
Post transactions to multiple years.
Reprint the last posting log.
Print checks to a specified printer.
Drill down for greater detail.
Comprehensive online help.
Print to file with rich or normal text; output to Excel or HTML.
Optional report previewing before printing.
"Quick search" method for finding data or information.
Aged Trial Balance Report
Accounts Payable Analysis Report
Cash Flow Report
Check Register
Miscellaneous Debits Journal
Open Invoice Report
Payment History Report
Purchase Analysis Report
Purchases Journal
Vendor Activity Report
Vendor Analysis Report
Vendor Detail History Report
Vendor Purchase History Report
Vendor Labels
1099 Forms