Since opening its doors in January, 1993 with 4 people, Tindall and Ranson have enjoyed thirteen years of growth and profitability. Today, Tindall and Ranson has a staff of over 25 providing services for plumbing, heating, and cooling in both the residential and light construction markets. Their menu of services includes repairs, new installations, and renovation/remodels. Bathroom remodeling is one of their key services today. They are active members of both the PHCC and QSC organizations.
When Tindall and Ranson was informed a year ago that their software supplier was dropping support of their system, they knew they needed to get a new software system installed as soon as possible. After considering a number of options, the management team at Tindall and Ranson selected the Ascente system from Compusource Corporation . When asked why Compusource was their choice, Kevin Tindall, president of Tindall and Ranson, offered the following reasons:
"We believed that Compusource had a successful strategy for implementation. Many systematic plans look good on paper but Compusource provided a strong network of support that allowed for pre-program preparation. They were able to prepare the staff with a training module that allowed for practice prior to going live. This allowed for questions and actual hands-on situations to be addressed prior to the program rolling out."
"Knowing that Compusource was one of the QSC organizations approved Quality Service Providers made us more likely to partner with them."
"The Ascente system was the most integrated offering available and also provided the security and controls we felt were critical in a new system."
Having used the Compusource Ascente software system now for the past year, the management team has seen their beliefs about this decision turn into a reality. At a recent QSC meeting Mr. Tindall stated, "Our use of the Compusource Ascente system has enabled us to add $100,000 in increased profit to our company". This certainly underscores a positive ROI resulting from the Compusource software investment.
When asked how this exciting ROI was possible, Kathy Tindall offered the following rationale.
"The most positive change was the ability to tie purchase orders to a specific job contract or work order. Previously supplies were ordered with no specific link to their intended use, thus creating difficulty in managing and correctly billing jobs for material used. The Ascente software prevents this type of loss."
"The Ascente system provides a variety of reports that the previous system was unable to produce. Job costs , open service reports, profitability by technician, and timecard journals are only a few of the reports used regularly in order to manage more effectively."
"Another major benefit of Ascente is the availability of their computerized dispatch board which has made the daily process of dispatching the service providers much more efficient. Time management is key and the Ascente dispatch board enhances our ability to increase the number of calls per day inevitably increasing our profitability."
In a recent conversation with Kevin Tindall, he offered the following comments regarding the financial impact the Compusource Ascente system has had on his company. "I can attribute a significant portion of the growth we have had both in revenue and profits in the past year to the installation by Compusource of the Ascente system. The company has grown nearly 30% in the past year. The work order invoice turnaround has been cut in half and we have decreased our losses due to the link of supply purchase order to job/work order. We are now able to predict invoices at purchase and generate sales invoices quickly."
Not being a company content with these achievements, Tindall and Ranson is still looking to enhance their efficiency through the installation of additional software from Compusource. Kathy Tindall stated recently,
"We are now looking forward to the installation of a Compusource flat rate interface with the Collier Flat Rate system and later we plan to install an interface to a GPS tracking system to provide continued improvement in dispatching."
Ralph NeSmith, Senior Vice President of Compusource Corporation states, "The partnership between Compusource Corporation and Tindall and Ranson has been and continues to be a relationship from which both organizations benefit. It is what partnership is all about."